
After your peel skin may feel slightly hot and slight redness may occur. Skin soothing restorative serums and creams will be applied to your face. You are advised to leave these products on for the remainder of the day and evening to help comfort and reduce peel induced skin redness.

24 hours after treatment it is advised to cleanse using a mild non- exfoliating cleanser. Flannels, sponges or any other cleansing tools should be avoided.

Avoid sun exposure, ensure to wear SPF protection daily.

Avoid using any active products such as Topical steroid’s, Retinoids, AHA’s, BHA’s or any other exfoliating agent’s for 2-3 day’s .

If makeup is to be worn, mineral or non- comedogenic skin loving makeup is recommended.

DMK Enzyme Therapy Level 1,2 & 3

On the day of your treatment avoid washing your face or applying any other skin products until the next day.

After your treatment you may experience a ‘Plasmatic Effect’ (crisscross of red veins) this will usually subside entirely within 10-20 minutes, leaving you with post Enzyme glowing skin!

3 days post treatment it is normal to experience ‘purging’ and dryness after a DMK Enzyme or peel, due to the stimulation of the enzymes in your skin that are responsible for controlling the natural exfoliating process. We see this as a positive response as we are waking up skin functions that were not working optimally.

To help alleviate and minimise these possible temporary responses, it is recommended to use the At- Home DMK Enzyme Mask Pack. Alternatively, exfoliate with Micro Peel followed by Hydrating Mask.

Skin Peels

Directly after a Hydrafacial treatment the skin will be left feeling soft, hydrated and exfoliated.

There is little to no down time however, mild redness may be present for 1-2 hours. Heat inducing activities such as vigorous exercise, hot showers, steam rooms should be avoided for 48 hours after the treatment.

For 3-5 days following treatment, some may experience mild dryness or ‘purging’. We advise not to exfoliate or use any abrasive products on the skin. Avoid active ingredients including but not limited to Vitamin A, AHA’s, BHA’s. Ensure the skin stays moisturised and out of direct sunlight with SPF applied daily.

If makeup is to be worn, mineral or non- comedogenic skin loving makeup is recommended.


Mild to moderate redness is to be expected immediately after any IPL treatment and can last up to 12 hours. A cold compress can be applied to sooth any discomfort.

Skin dryness and flaking is a positive response to specific IPL treatments therefore, an occlusive cream and SPF should be applied daily. Thus to ensure the skins barrier is always moisturised and protected. Do not pick or scratch at any flaking skin, let the skin shed naturally for best results.

Heat inducing activities such as vigorous exercise, hot showers, steam rooms and sun exposure should be avoided for 48 hours after the treatment.

We advise not to exfoliate or use any abrasive products on the skin including active ingredients like Vitamin A, AHA’s, BHA’s. Chlorinated or salt water, perfumed moisturisers or products should also be avoided for 3-5 days post treatment.


Skin Needling / Nano Fractional RF

During the skin healing process, minor itching, hives, flaking may occur. If symptom’s persist please call the studio. An antihistamine tablet can be taken for hives or itching. (Check with your pharmacist if you are safe to do so.) You may experience some swelling and redness. Flakey skin will usually appear 24 - 72 hours after your treatment and can last several days. Do not pick or touch your skin.

It is recommended not to touch your face or wash it until the following day or put anything on your skin for 24 hours. Change you pillow case, wash towels and makeup brush’s to prevent any cross contamination.

Avoid wearing makeup for 48hrs unless it is non-occlusive/comedogenic, mineral skin loving makeup. (Saint Minerals)

Please avoid the gym, or intensive cardio regimes for 48 to reduce the risk of cross contamination via sweat and skin irritation through overheating while the skin is healing.

Avoid any other clinical treatments such as Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, IPL.

Avoid sun exposure to the treated area for 2 weeks. Ensure to wear an SPF protection daily.

Avoid using active products such as Topical Steroid’s , Retinoid’s , AHA’s, BHA’s or any other exfoliating agent’s for 3-5 day’s to avoid any irritation, re introducing them back into your skincare regime as tolerated.

Use of Gentle cleansers, nourishing and protective serums and moisturisers such as Ultimate Recovery, Hydra B5, Fast Skin Repair to be applied as often as necessary to reduce inflammation, restore skin comfort and accelerate the healing process.

We recommend a light Enzyme and Healite treatment 5 - 10 days post Skin Needling to accelerate the repair of the skin and optimise result’s.